Research Category: Law
from page: 81
to page: 95
Research PDF: PDF icon 170718-121352.pdf
Research Summary:


  the elections draw a hard space of  important as a means by which the power circulate  and renew in the  blood of democracy, therefore the law which regulate these elections  attract  a corresponding space of interesting by those who involved and even ordinary citizens. Like this applies a fortiori to the state of democracy were absent for so long and Astortt legacy of the features and tendencies of social exclusionary and authoritarian power that make the booty and to circulate through the channels of legitimacy is often seen as unpalatable to Kabdin them. This explains the hardness birth of the electoral law debate and a heating  tension around it, which spread to ten rounds inside the Dome of the Iraqi parliament to eventually produce an amended version of the Law of the legislative elections which the open list  and electoral districts are most prominent features and more reasons for its delay.

 Although much is made about the Iraqi election law with amendments of the legal and political controversy, the latter did not leave the area of texts, or explore its  implications and dimensions on the political arena in the fact and  the future perspective. Hence the need to emit the unmasking of these signs and to explore the political implications of future Iraqi election law, as amended. This has been dealt with on four themes: First topic: The causes of the amendment in the election law in the light of the previous electoral laws. The second topic: the scope of political debate on the amendment in the electoral law. The third topic: Switches significance in the new electoral law Fourth topic: the impact of the amendment in the electoral law on the future of the political process in Iraq.