المصلحة المحمية في جريمة الاختفاء القسري (دراسة مقارنة)
يسعى المشرع دائما لحماية المصالح الاساسية في المجتمع لان الاعتداء على تلك المصالح يمثل عدواناً على حق يحميه القانون وتقديراً لتلك الحماية فان المشرع يجرم بعض الافعال التي تشكل انتهاكاً لتلك المصالح.
إنّ نطاق المصلحة المحمية في جريمة الاختفاء القسري يتمثل اساساً في حق الانسان في الحياة والحرية والامن الشخصي وكذلك في الحق بعدم تعذيب المجني عليه ويجب عدم معاملته معاملة غير انسانية لان ذلك يتعارض مع المواثيق الدولية والدساتير والقوانين التي تسعى دائما لتوفير ضمانات لاطراف الدعوى الجزائية بما يكفل لهم حق التقاضي والدفاع.
ان الافعال التي تحقق جريمة الاختفاء القسري تنال المصالح الجديرة بالحماية من قبل المشرع ولذلك جاءت التشريعات تجرم مثل هذه الافعال لمساسها بالمصالح العامة، ولاجل معالجة هذا الموضوع سيتم دراسته في مبحثين الاول للمصلحة المحمية في جريمة الاختفاء القسري والمبحث الثاني لذاتية جريمة الاختفاء القسري.
The individnal Freedem is Considered one of the fundamental interests that protected by the legislator by criminalization as alegal status that enables the individuals to cope with the power and rancor he hand from exposuring to them, including targeting law to protect the rights that underpin individual freedom,namely the right to life, the right to security of person, the right not to be subjected to torture, the right to recognition as alegal fighre, and the right to know the truth,so criminalization is based on the protection of the legitimate interest of individuals and which is worthy of coring,where to take the initiative identified in the text by estimating the degree of protection it deserves, Since the crime of enforced disappearance targeted person's freedom or his life, the human right to peace of mind and social peace and secnrity as on interest worthy of protection and care in violation of committing this crime.
The processes of enforced disappearance of persons represent abreach of integrated operations to agronp of human rights contained in the universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the private Covenant on civil and political right,as well as other international charters, and it constitutes agross violation of the rnles of enforcement of ficials conduct for law enforcement and the Declaration of basic principles of justice for victims of crime abuse of power, the Basic principles on the use of force, and the standard minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners. Therefore, the protection of the fundamental interests of which depends npon the existence and stability of society is the end that is bound to also be aminimum of interest is the justification for the intervention of the legislature to issue alaw that protects that interest, However, if no longer interest negated with justification for the the intervention and the issnance of the mentional law.